I have to highlight the issue that the deadline is close whereas up to date we haven’t come up with a solution.
issue 品质问题:quality issue,很少说problem
I’ll have a business trip regarding the quality issue. 关于….的话题,不用about
To echo John’s direction, our plan is xxxx 邮件经常用echo来表示“我只是重复一下某人观点”,谦虚的说法。direction:指示
I’ll check in with our team to confirm expected ship date and let you know. 我要去问一下我们团队。 check in:获取信息,汇报
insight :洞见
- OOO=Out of Office,不上班,不在办公室。I’m OOO for annual leave and I’ll deal with it when I get back from vacation.
- PS=postscript,附言
- cc=carbon copy,抄送。I always CC my line manager when I write a memo to my staff. 给员工写备忘录时,我总是抄送直属经理。
- FYI=For Your Information,供你参考。
- RTFM=read the flaming manual,请阅读使用手册
- ASAP=As soon as possible,尽快。We need to speak with her asap. 我们需要和她尽快通话。
- NB =Nota Bene,特别注意,划重点。NB. You should read this post more than once. 划重点,这篇文章你得多读几遍。
- NRN=No Reply Necessary,不用回复。This is a work email, NRN. 这是工作邮件,不必回复。
- BR=Best Regards,祝好
- BTW=By the way,顺便说一下
- PTO=Paid Time Off,带薪休假
- FAQ=Frequently Asked Question,常见问题
- THX=Thanks,谢谢
- TBD=To Be Determined,待决定,待商议
- RSVP=(法语)Répondez s’il vous plait,请回复
- OT=Overtime,加班
- O2O=Online to Offline,线上到线下
- N/A=Not Applicable=不适用
- KPI=Key PerformanceIndication,关键业绩指标
- BS=brainstorming,头脑风暴
- AL=annual leave,年假
- OMW=On My Way,在路上
- BRB=Be Right Back,马上回来
- LMK=Let Me Know,告诉我
- TBH=To Be Honest,坦白说